Beauty Of Animal | Inca Dove | Inca Doves (Columbina inca) are fairly common year-round residents here in southeastern Arizona, especially near our cities and towns. These small doves range from the southwestern United States down to parts of southern Costa Rica. Throughout their range, Inca Doves are most common in arid areas.
Occasionally see Inca Doves feeding on the ground with other doves under my bird feeders here in Tucson, Arizona. Inca Doves can be distinguished from other Arizona doves due to their smaller size and dark-edged feathers that give them an all-over fish-scaled appearance. Male and female Inca Doves look similar, while the juveniles have less distinct scaling.
Inca Doves are small and not very conspicuous, so they are most often noticed by the flash of rufous in their wings or by their repeated "Coo-o coo!" calls. These tropical doves prefer warm temperatures and will sometimes engage in bizarre "pyramid roosting" of up to a dozen birds stacked into a several layer pyramid in order to keep warm.
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