Beauty Of Animal | Quokka | Quokka (Setonix brachyurus), and the only member of the genus Setonix, is a small macropod in the size of domestic cat. Like other marsupials in the family macropod (such as kangaroos and wallabies), and the Quokka is herbivorous and night in the first place. Can be found on some small islands off the coast of Western Australia, particularly in the Rottnest Island off Perth, Bald Island, near Albany. Mainland, a small colony found in protected areas of the Gulf of the two peoples, where Potoroo.In with Gilbert land, and is limited to roaming for a very small group in the south-west of Western Australia, with a number of small live scattered population on the mainland, and a large number of people on the island of Rottnest and the population on a small island near the bald Albany.
Islands free of foxes and cats. On Rottnest, it is common and occupies a variety of habitats ranging from semi-arid scrub to cultivated gardens.It weighs 2.5 to 5 kg and 40 to 90 cm long with a tail length 25-30 - which is somewhat short for the macropod. Has a stocky build, rounded ears, short, broad head. Although looking rather like the kangaroo, very small dumpy, and can climb trees and shrubs. In the coarse fur is grizzled brown, fading to orange Quokka underneath.The has no fear of humans and it is common for that to deal with them closely, especially on the island of Rottnest.It is, however, illegal for members of the public on the island of Rottnest to treat animals in any way.
Can issue a notice of violation carries a fine of $ 300 by the Rottnest Island Authority for such behavior. However, the pursuit of crime can lead to a fine of up to $ 2000.Although many of the small offshore islands, has a very limited and are classified as weak. On the mainland, where most threatened by predators such as foxes and display, it requires a dense ground cover applied for asylum. This has reduced the habitat for agricultural development, and thus contributed to the decline in these species. Showing cats and dogs, as well as dingoes, has been added to this problem, as well as clearing and burning of the remaining wetlands.
Scientific classificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaInfraclass: MarsupialiaOrder: DiprotodontiaFamily: MacropodidaeSubfamily: MacropodinaeGenus: SetonixLesson, 1842Species: S. brachyurus
Animal Flora and Fauna