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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Shortfin Mako Shark

Beauty Of Animal | Shortfin Mako Shark | The shortfin mako shark, Isurus oxyrinchus ("sharp nose") is a large mackerel shark. Together with the closely related Longfin mako (Isurus paucus) is often referred to as a "mako shark." The shortfin mako shark is a slender shaft formed shark with a long conical snout. This shark has short pectoral fins and a crescent shaped caudal fin. There is a clear tail keel on the caudal base. The second dorsal fin is much smaller than the first. The teeth are slender and slightly curved, without lateral cusps, and are visible even when mouth is closed. There is a clear counter shading on this shark: dorsally it is a metallic indigo blue while ventrally it is white.
Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Class:     Chondrichthyes
Order:     Lamniformes
Family:     Lamnidae
Genus:     Isurus
Species:     I. oxyrinchus
Binomial name
Isurus oxyrinchus

The Shortfin Mako Shark can grow to a length of 3.9 meters (13 feet). There is still some uncertainty over the lifespan, but it's probably between the ages of 11-23 years to achieve. As one of the fastest sharks in the ocean, this powerful burst swimming sharks reach speeds of 35 km / h (22 mph) and can jump out of the water to a height of 6 meters (20 feet). These qualities have this kind of a popular sport fish in some parts of the range.
Distinguishing features Shortfin Mako Shark

    Teeth are visible even when mouth is closed
    Teeth are long and slender, smooth-edged cusps
    Several counter shading dorsal blue and white ventrally
    Relatively short pectoral fins
    Bottom of the muzzle is white
    Lunate tail and caudal keel

Diet Shortfin Mako Shark
The Shortfin Mako Shark feeds mainly on bony fishes including mackerels, tunas, bonitos and swordfish, but may also eat other sharks, porpoises and sea turtles.
Display Shortfin Mako Shark
Female Shortfin Mako Shark are usually sexually mature at a length of 3 meters. Developing embryos feed on unfertilized eggs in the uterus during the gestation of 15-18 months. The 4-18 surviving young are born alive in late winter and early spring at a length of about 70 cm, but have no placental connection during development (ovoviviparity). It is believed that women could relax for 18 months after birth for the next lot of eggs are fertilized.

Habitat Shortfin Mako Shark
Shortfin Mako Shark
live in tropical and temperate waters coast. They are a pelagic species occurring from surface to a depth of 150 meters (490 feet). This shark is seldom found in waters colder than 16 degrees Celsius.

Series Shortfin Mako Shark
The Shortfin Mako Shark is found worldwide. In the western Atlantic Ocean can be found from Argentina and the Gulf of Mexico to Browns Bank off Nova Scotia. In Canadian waters, these sharks are not in abundance as they prefer warm water, but neither are they rare. Shortfin Makos are often found in the same waters as swordfish as they are a source of both food and fish prefer similar environmental conditions.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

Beauty Of Animal | Atlantic Sharpnose Shark | The Atlantic Sharpnose Shark, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, is a requiem shark of the family Carcharhinidae, found in subtropical waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean between the latitudes 43 ° N and 25 ° S, its habitat Atlantic Sharp Nose sharks found in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean the Gulf of Mexico. At a depth of surf zone to 280 m (920 ft). They prefer the shallow coastal (less than 12 meters) of water in late spring and summer months. While the corpses to the deeper offshore (deeper than 90 m) water during the winter months choose. 
They are found throughout the year of the Carolina coast south to Florida and the Gulf of Atlantic Mexico.The Atlantic Sharpnose Shark is a small shark that size does not exceed 1.2 meters (4 feet) is reached. It has a long snout and labial folds around his mouth. The triangular teeth smooth edges are similar in both the upper and lower jaw. Atlantic Sharpnose Shark can be brown, olive-gray or blue-gray turning to white at the bottom. Adults may have some white spots and small individuals have a tendency to black lace dorsal and tail fins.
Scientific classification

Kingdom: Animalia
Tribe: Chordata
Class: Chondrichthyes
Subclass: Elasmobranchii
Order: Carcharhiniformes
Family: Carcharhinidae
Genus: Rhizoprionodon
Type: R. terraenovae

The maximum size species of Atlantic Sharpnose Shark the length is about 1.22 meters (about 4 ft). But the average adult Atlantic Sharp Nose appear to be about 99 to 106.7 cm (39-42 inches) in length. They usually mature at between 79-89 cm (31-35 inches) in total length of about 2-4 years old. Atlantic Sharp Nose sharks can live 9-12 years old. Like most sharks, the females appear larger than the males. Reproduction Females give live birth to a litter of 3-7 pups after a gestation period of 10-11 months. The pups are usually born between 25-35 cm (10-14 inches) in total length. Females often found in marine estuaries during late spring months, probably because Pupping area where they bear their young.
Identifying Characteristics of Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

    May have black borders dorsal and caudal fins
    Long labial creases around the corners of mouth
    Nictitating membrane over the eye
    Atlantic Sharpnose Shark Diet
    This shark uses shrimp, mollusks and small fish.

Reproduction Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
Sexual maturity is reached when an individual is about 83 cm (33 inches). The young are fed into the female viviparous development. Litters of 4-7 pups are born in June in shallow water or estuaries. Newborns are 22-35 cm (9-14 inches) in length.

Habitat Atlantic Sharpnose Shark

The Atlantic Milk shark is common in coastal waters at a depth of 12 meters (42 feet) or less during the summer months. During the winter, this shark is found at depths greater than 27 meters (90 feet).

Range Atlantic Sharpnose Shark
Although the scientific name suggests that it can be found off of Newfoundland, the Atlantic Sharpnose Shark not reported in those waters. Indeed, it is not a common shark somewhere in Canadian waters. The northernmost distribution in the Bay of Fundy, and it is rare, even in that area. Frequently this small shark is found in the coastal waters of South Carolina, Florida and the Gulf of Mexico year-round resident.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Beauty Of Animal | Lory | Laurie dark (Pseudeos fuscata) is a type of parrot in the monotypic family Psittacidae, and the only species of the genus Pseudeos is a common alternative names Laurie White Laurie rumped or dark orange.and found in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.The Laurie is a dark short-tailed parrot about 25 cm (10 inches) long. It is mainly brown and white back and rump. The color phases of two; band across the top of the chest with her ​​abdomen either yellow or orange.

Orange beak and a dark area of ​​skin bare orange at the base of the lower jaw. The iris of the eye red and the legs are gray. Of males and females are identical in external appearance. Events and with dull yellowish back and rump, irises, gray and yellowish beak which is yellow at the base, brown / black around the edge.

a dark mother of Lori New Guinea below about 2500m Indonesian both (West Papua), Papua New Guinea and parts of the island. It is also the mother to the nearby Indonesian islands and Salawati Yapen.Natural habitats or semi-tropical and tropical humid forest, low tropical and mangrove forests or semi-tropical, subtropical or tropical moist Montanes.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Aves
Order:     Psittaciformes
Family:     Psittacidae
Subfamily:     Loriinae
Genus:     Pseudeos
Species:     P. fuscata


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Monday, August 22, 2011

The Hispaniolan Solenodon

Beauty Of Animal | The Hispaniolan Solenodon | The Hispaniolan Solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus), also known as the Haitian Solenodon or Agouta is a solenodon only on Hispaniola, the island shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic. It was unknown to science until 1833, when it was first described by Brandt. There was a similar smaller species on the island, S. marcanoi, which became extinct after European colonization. All species belong to the order solenodon Soricomorpha Solenodontidae and family.
S. paradoxus looks like an oversized shrew. It weighs between 0.6 and 1.0 kg, 28 to 33 cm long (the tail measures an additional 25 cm). He has reddish brown fur on most of his body, the underside is a lighter shade. The tail, legs, muzzle and ear tips are hairless. The front legs are considerably more developed than the hind legs, but they all have strong claws for digging useful.

The head is very large in proportion to its body, and it has a long snout with small eyes and ears, partly hidden by the body fur. An interesting singularity is the os proboscis, a bone at the tip of the rostrum that the snout cartilage support. The dental formula for the species is 3 / 3, 1 / 1, 3 / 3, 3 / 3 = 40. The second lower incisor has a narrow groove (Solenodon derived from the Greek "grooved tooth") through which a toxic saliva secreted by the mandibular gland using the solenodon one of only a few poisonous mammals.

 Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Mammalia
Order:     Soricomorpha
Family:     Solenodontidae
Genus:     Solenodon
Species:     S. paradoxus
Both sexes are similar. Unexposed males have a penis and testes are hidden deep in the abdominal cavity. Women, although an irregular estrus period apparently unrelated to seasonal changes, possibly two litters of one to three young per year. Usually only two of the offspring survive, because the female has only two nipples, which are found in a most unusual place: near the bottom of the animal. The young are weaned after 75 days, but the young may remain with the parents while subsequent litters are born and raised, making it possible for eight animals to the same burrow. Solenodons can fight each other at the first meeting, but eventually they establish a dominance relationship and live together in captivity in relative harmony.

The species is fully protected by law. However, national parks, both in the Dominican Republic and Haiti threatened by deforestation and degradation for agriculture and charcoal production. The U.S. Agency for International Development and the Nature Conservancy is currently working with local non-governmental organizations to improve the protection and management plans for these parks (Parks in Peril program) to run. A recovery plan for the isolated Haitian population published in 1992 advocated extensive surveys, a better management of the National Park Pic Macaya, information campaigns, control of exotic mammals, and an ex-situ breeding programs. These recommendations are not involved.

Two Darwin Initiative-funded conservation research and education programs were recently established focus on solenodons both in the Dominican Republic and Haiti: "Building evidence and the ability to endemic country Hispaniola's mammals to save" (started 2009) and "Building a future unique to vertebrates Haiti "(started 2010). These joint projects represent a partnership between the EDGE program, the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, BirdLife International, the Sociedad de la Ornitologica Hispaniola, the Dominican Republic National Zoo, Société Audubon Haiti, and in-country project partners.

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Long-eared Jerboa

Beauty Of AnimalLong-eared Jerboa |  The Long-eared Jerboa, Euchoreutes Naso, is a nocturnal mouse-like rodent with a long tail, long hind legs for jumping, and exceptionally large ears. It is clear enough that the authorities consider it to be the only member of both the species, Euchoreutes, and subfamily, Euchoreutinae be. It has been reported in China and in ten places in the Altai Govi Desert habitats Trans Desert and the Gobi desert in Mongolia. Much of the species is believed to occur in Mongolia within protected areas. Very little is known about the species.

Scientific classification
Kingdom:     Animalia
Phylum:     Chordata
Class:     Mammalia
Order:     Rodentia
Family:     Dipodidae

The Long-eared Jerboa head and body length is 70 mm (2.8 in) to 90 mm ​​(3.5 in), while its tail is twice the size, between 150 mm (5.9 in) and 163 mm (6.4 in). Like its disproportionately long tail, his hind legs, feet are too big, making it to jump high, measuring between 40 mm (1.6 in) and 46 mm (1.8 in). It weighs 23.7 grams (0.84 oz) to 37.8 grams (1.33 oz) The Long-eared Jerboa head and body length is 70 mm (2.8 in) to 90 mm ​​(3 , 5 in), while its tail is double size, between 150 mm (5.9 in) and 163 mm (6.4 in). Like its disproportionately long tail, his hind legs, feet are too big, making it to jump high, measuring between 40 mm (1.6 in) and 46 mm (1.8 in). It weighs 23.7 grams (0.84 oz) to 37.8 grams (1.33 oz)

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Beauty Of Animal | Pigeon | Nicobar pigeon, Caloenas nicobarica, the bathroom is found on small islands and coastal regions from the Nicobar Islands, east through the Malay Archipelago, the Solomon Islands and Palau. He is a member of the only living genus Caloenas.It dove is large, measuring 40 cm in length. The head is gray, like the upper neck feathers, which turns to anger green and copper toward the breast. Remiges breast and dark gray. The tail is very short and pure white. The rest of the plumage is green metal. The progress of the draft law is the key to a small dark blackish, legs and feet pale red solid. The cornea is the dark.Females are slightly smaller than males, they have a smaller bill and shorter handle anger and basement brown. Immature birds have a black tail and not nearly all of iridescence. There is hardly any difference across a wide range of birds. Until the strain C. Palau N.

The anger just pelewensis shorter neck, but otherwise almost identical.It's not a very vocal species, giving the low-pitched repeated word.On the basis of cladistic analysis and mtDNA of cytochrome b and 12S rRNA sequences, and is sometimes called the Nicobar pigeon closest living relative of the extinct didines (Raphinae), which include the famous Dodo (Raphus cucullatus). But the study, the original result in this outcome only, and only one possibility of several, even a limited sample of species, and not with very high confidence, either. In any case, nDNA β - fibrinogen data intron sequence of 7 consistent with the idea of ​​Raphinae as a species of pigeons (and not an independent family, as was previously thought because of apomorphies their strange), which was part of the radiation Indopacific variety, which belongs to the Dove Nicobar also  .

C. nicobarica columbiform is quite singular (although less than autapomorphic Raphinae fly), as well as, for example, described Pigeon teeth (Didunculus strigirostris) and was crowned pigeons (Goura), which is usually considered distinct subfamilies. And therefore, may also constitute another species Nicobar pigeon is now monotypic. While not one of the bathroom near the floor in the South East Asia and Wallacea not be ruled out as possible relative closest living for Raphinae, and Dove Nicobar makes it more acceptable candidate than, for example, a group of the Empire, pigeons and doves fruit, which seems to be a part of the radiation itself.If it was possible to clarify this time of deep phylogenies without a comprehensive study of all breeds Home Columbidae living remains to be seen. Turned on the primitive molecular clock used to infer the history of the ancestors of the Nicobar Pigeon and varied since didines to be both unreliable and miscalibrated. But what is little evidence available indicates that the Nicobar pigeon is still distinct from all other living forms of life since the Paleogene - probably sometime between 56-34000000 years during the Eocene, which is a major part of the Paleogene

From subfossil bones found on New Caledonia, Tonga, and the extinction of some species of Caloenas, described the Kanaka Pigeon (C. canacorum). Was about a quarter of the largest [verification needed] of the Nicobar pigeon. Because it must be a good source of food, and most likely they hunt by the settlers of the extinction of the first man from the islands of his homeland. It was probably extinct by the year 500 BC. Dove Liverpool ("C" maculatum) is the most recently extinct species from the locality of the Pacific is unknown, but may have disappeared in the 19th century, and most likely succumbed to European mice feet. Are placed in the Caloenas as well as the possibility of at least critical; affiliations are true is not currently, and may be likely to represent a genus distinct from the radiation Indopacific of Columbidae.


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Sumatran Tiger

Beauty Of Animal | Sumatran Tiger  | Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is a subspecies of tiger found in Indonesia's Sumatra island. And genetic testing revealed the presence of genetic markers unique to isolate the LTTE from all strains of Sumatra mainland.  It is believed that about 400-500 wild tigers in Sumatra to exist in 1998, but their number has continued to decline.ccording to RSPB and March 2008 there were about 300 Sumatran tigers remaining in the Sumatran tiger is the smallest wild.The strain compared with the tiger, the largest Siberian Tigers.Sumatran male tigers average 8 feet (2.438m) in length from head to tail and weigh about 265 pounds (120.2 kg). Females, on average, 7 feet (2.134 meters) in length and weigh about 200 lbs (90.718 kg).

Smaller size of the Sumatran tiger makes it easy to move quickly through the forest. Also, the stripes are narrower than other tiger species. Tiger patterned coloring is an adaptation for camouflage in their natural environment, which are often tall grass. Males, especially, have the appearance of a more bearded and maned by the neck and cheek hair are well developed.Belt between the toes, when spread, enables the Sumatran tiger is a very fast swimmer.Therefore, if given the opportunity, run hoofed prey, who are much slower swimmers in the water.Called the white patches on the back of the ear of the Tiger "eye spots" or "points predator." It is believed that these spots to function as well as false eyes to make them look bigger than any predator approaching from behind. This is particularly useful in maintaining the cubs safe.

Sumatran tigers prey on a larger scale is common in ungulates such as wild boar, Malayan tapir, deer and small animals in some cases also, such as birds, monkeys and fish. Can be a prey to the orangutan, but because they spend a minimum of time on the ground, tigers rarely catch one. Sumatran Tiger will someti MES prey on mice and other small mammals when larger prey are rare.DNA analysis is consistent with the hypothesis that has been isolated from a Sumatran tiger population Tigers again after a rise in sea level that occurred in the Pleistocene to the Holocene boundary (about 12.000 to 6.000 years ago). In agreement with this evolutionary history, isolated and genetically Tiger Sumatran tigers living in all the mainland, which constitute a distinct group closely related to each other.


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Beauty Of Animal | Gerenuk | And Gerenuk (Litocranius walleri), also known as the Gazelle, and Waller, a long neck is a type of antelope found in dry scrub and bushy steppes in East Africa. And Gerenuk word (pronounced with a hard g) comes from the Somali language, meaning "giraffe neck", and leads to another common name, and antelope giraffe neck. Which is the only member of the genus Litocranius.

Gerenuks has a small head for their bodies, but their eyes and large ears. Unlike females, males and more horns and neck muscles. They are brown on their backs, and lighter underneath. They have short, black tails. From head to tail, and gerenuk about 150 cm long. Male slightly longer than females, ranging between 89-105 cm, and females 8-10 cm. It was also heavier than females, weighing over 45 kilograms, and females is 30 kg.Gerenuks eat food from the top of other parts of the deer and antelope more. Do so by standing on its hind legs, stretch their necks long to get food out of the shrubs or small trees tall. Made up most of their diet consists of leaves and shoots of prickly bushes and trees, but also buds, flowers, fruits, plants, mountain climbing. Gerenuks do not need to drink, because they get enough water from the plants they eat. Because of this, they can survive in dry environments.

Could not at any time of the year. Females reach sexual maturity in one year, and males reach sexual maturity at 1.5 years. Pregnancy, about seven months. Born at one time, and weighs about 3 kg at birth. Life span of about eight years in the wilderness, but can live three years or more in the exponent.


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Beauty Of Animal | Peafowl  | Peacock in the Congo, Afropavo congensis, is a type of peacock. Which is the only member of the genus Afropavo monotypic.The male is a large bird, up to 70 cm (28 inches) in length. Feathers and the deep blue color with a metallic tinge green and violet. It's bare skin red neck, feet, gray, and black tail with fourteen blades. The head is decorated with vertical white elongated hair-like feathers on the throne. Female birds generally chestnut brown with black abdomen, a bright green background, and a short chestnut brown the top. Both sexes are similar to the peacock Asian immature, and stuffed birds in the early classification error in this way before and they were officially discovered as a unique.

He lives and settlement in the rainforest in the Congo River Basin low in the central part of the Republic of Congo. Diet consists mainly of fruits and invertebrates. Male has a display similar to the other peacocks, fanning its tail in this case, while the other peacocks fan their tail high ambitions. Congo, the male peacock is unilateral, despite the need for information from the wild.

Very little is known about this species. Have been recorded for the first time as a 1936 by Dr. James youths based on two stuffed specimens in the Museum of the Congo in Belgium. It's qualities both Peacock and guineafowl, which may indicate that the Congo peacock is a link between the two families.Due to ongoing habitat loss, small population size and fishing in some areas, the Congo peacock is evaluated and vulnerable in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.


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