Beauty Of Animal | Cornish Rex Cat | A Cornish Rex is a breed of domestic cat. The Cornish Rex has no hair except for down. Most breeds of cat have three different types of hair in their coats: the outer fur or "guard hairs", which is about 5 cm long in shorthairs and 10cm+ long in longhairs; a middle layer called the "awn hair"; and the down hair or undercoat, which is very fine and about 1 cm long. Cornish Rexes only have the undercoat. The curl in Cornish Rex fur is caused by a different mutation and gene than that of the Devon Rex. It originates from Cornwall, England.
The Cornish Rex is a quaint but chic-looking cat, having a long narrow head with a prominent Roman nose, large flared ears and a muscular body rather akin to that of a Greyhound. Its spectacular crimped coat looks and feels like cut velvet. The Cornish Rex is an intelligent and playful cat with boundless curiosity and makes an enchanting pet for gentle children. It craves human company and affection and gets on well with other cats and dogs.

The only problem with a Cornish Rex is that it has such a mind of its own, it is intelligent enough to get up to mischief no doubt knowing it is being naughty. But once people have owned a Cornish Rex, they seldom go back to another breed. Its intelligence makes it adapt easily to car travel, moving house and apartment living, and it is an ideal pet for elderly people as well as families.
The Cornish Rex is a quaint but chic-looking cat, having a long narrow head with a prominent Roman nose, large flared ears and a muscular body rather akin to that of a Greyhound. Its spectacular crimped coat looks and feels like cut velvet. The Cornish Rex is an intelligent and playful cat with boundless curiosity and makes an enchanting pet for gentle children. It craves human company and affection and gets on well with other cats and dogs.

The only problem with a Cornish Rex is that it has such a mind of its own, it is intelligent enough to get up to mischief no doubt knowing it is being naughty. But once people have owned a Cornish Rex, they seldom go back to another breed. Its intelligence makes it adapt easily to car travel, moving house and apartment living, and it is an ideal pet for elderly people as well as families.

Their low allergenic "Poodle-type" coat is low maintenance and sheds minimally and means that many asthma or allergy suffers who are unable to enjoy ownership of other breeds, may be able to live with a Rex. The Rex's coat is extremely low maintenance but as it does not afford the same protection as a normal coat, these cats do need to be kept warm and dry. To compensate for their lack of guard hairs, the Cornish Rex has a slightly higher surface body temperature than other breeds - making them wonderful lap and foot warmers.
The Cornish Rex is a genetic mutation that originated from a litter of kittens born in the 1950s on a farm in Cornwall, UK[citation needed]; hence the first part of the breed's name. One of the kittens, a cream-colored male named Kallibunker, had an extremely unusual, fine and curly coat; he was the first Cornish Rex. The owner then backcrossed Kallibunker to his mother to produce 2 other curly-coated kittens. The male, Poldhu, sired a female called Lamorna Cove who was later brought to America and crossed with a Siamese, giving the breed their long whippy tails and big ears.
The Devon Rex looks similar in appearance to the Cornish Rex, but has guard hairs and sheds. The Devon Rex mutation is different from the Cornish Rex mutation in that the Devon has shortened guard hairs, while the Cornish Rex lacks guard hairs altogether. Crosses between Devon and Cornish Rexes are not permitted in pedigrees and matings between them will not produce a cat with short wavy fur. Another hair-deficient breed is the Sphynx cat, which has no hair but may have a very light coat of fuzz.
Using the word "Rex" to imply curly or otherwise unusual fur originates from an occasion when King Albert I of Belgium (1875-1934) entered some curly-haired rabbits in a rabbit show. They did not meet the breed standard, but the show's officials did not wish to risk offending the king by rejecting them. Instead, they accepted them but wrote "Rex" (Latin for "king") beside their names. The rumor that Cornish Rexes do not tolerate certain veterinary anesthetics has not been proven or disproven by studies. However veterinary medical advice errs on the side of caution, recommending the use of special milder anesthetics for surgery.
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