Beauty Of Animal | Sandhill cranes | Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis) is a large crane of North America and the extreme northeast of Siberia. The common name for these birds, such as those references habitats in the Platte River, on the edge of the Sandhills of Nebraska in the American Midwest. This is the area most important to stop micro Sandhill cranes (Grus canadensis canadensis), with up to 450,000 of these birds migrating through annually.Adults gray overall; through education, and feathers are often much worn and stained, especially in the immigrant population, It seems almost ocher.
Sandhill cranes and a red forehead, white cheeks and long dark pointed bill. Legs and long dark trail behind in flight, and is kept in the neck, respectively, in the long journey. Immature birds, and reddish-brown upperparts, gray underlined the sexes look alike. Size varies among the different strains. This gives in many cases, crane call loud trumpeting suggest the way the French "r" rolled in the throat, and can be heard from a long distance.Mated pairs of cranes engage in "calling for harmony." Cranes stand close to each other, calling in duet synchronized and complex. The female makes the call, two calls, one for each male.The only other large gray-bodied birds in North America is the great blue heron. This is the heron dimensions similar to the Sandhill Crane, sometimes called by the wrong lever, even though very different in the details of plumage and construction.
Like other herons, it flies with neck tucked towards the body.Sandhill crane wings, the Great, who is 6-8 feet when fully grown, makes this bird very skilled in a similar pattern of high hawks and eagles. Benefit from access to raise the heat, they can remain aloft for several hours, and require only occasional flapping of their wings and therefore spend little energy. With flocks of migratory birds, which contain hundreds of birds, they can create clear outlines of the columns are not visible normally high air (heat) they ride.Sandhill cranes fly south for the winter. Winter in areas that make up more than 10,000 birds. One place to observe this is in the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife, 100 miles south of Albuquerque, New Mexico. There is an annual festival Sandhill Crane in November.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Gruiformes
Family: Gruidae
Genus: Grus
Species: G. canadensis
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