Beauty Of Animal | Kudu | The kudu is a sub-species of antelope are found inhabiting shrub mixed forest and savanna plains in eastern and southern Africa. Kudu is very dependent on the close, dense thicket where the kudu can escape to and hide when they feel threatened. There are two species of the African kudu kudu Lesser and greater kudu. These two species are closely related and have to look very similar in appearance but there are several different ways that lesser kudu kudu larger and can be distinguished from one another. The lesser kudu had ten white stripes running vertically down the lower body where kudu greater kudu can have as between 4 and 12 lines. The big kudu also generally larger than the lower kudu.
Kudu is herbivorous and therefore have a diet completely vegetarian. Kudu looking for food in the forest and surrounding bush bite leaves of trees and shrubs. Kudu also eat other varieties of live plants such as herbs, flowers, fruit, and fruit fall. Kudu is prey to a number of predators such as lions, leopards, cheetahs, wild dogs and a large python that will occasionally hunt kudu smaller and more vulnerable people. Must be able to run very fast but often have trouble running predator that must rely on their fielding ability jump into the woods and forests where large carnivorous predators find it more difficult to pursue them. The must then be used to hide in the woods until the predator has finally given up and left.
Holy living in a small herd of up to 24 people kudu. The herd of kudu mainly composed of women saints and their calves as holy men tend to be solitary and only come together with other saints when it's time to mate. It is known that groups of up to 8 holy men will form the herd but this is very rare. Kudu mating season occurs at the end of the rainy season. The gestation period is about 8 months after the kudu kudu females usually give birth only one baby kudu. The Saints babies tend born around February and March when the grass was the highest and there is plenty of food to help the baby kudu calf to grow.
Kudu has both benefits and suffers from human contact. Humans find easy targets to hunt kudu and due to the fact that the Saints tend to stop and look after their escape. Some of the local tribesmen believe must be a sacred animal and therefore must protect rather than kill it. Human settlement also means that the habitat as amended and kudu kudu had to move to another area. It actually has done the world of good as kudu kudu had driven into areas where there is a better source of water and therefore the food.
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