Beauty Of Animal | Anteater | The anteater, also known as antbears are the four mammal species of the suborder Vermilingua (which means "language of the worm"), commonly known for eating ants and termites. Together with the sloths, they compose the order pilosa. The name "anteater" also applies to the relationship colloquially anteater, numbat, echidnas and pangolins.
Existing species include the giant anteater Myrmecophaga tridactyla, about 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) long including the tail, the silky anteater Cyclopes didactylus, about 35 cm (14 inches) long, southern Tamandua Tamandua anteater or necklace tetradactyla, about 1.2 m (3 feet 11 inches) long, and Northern Tamandua Tamandua anteaters similar Mexican dimensions.The are more closely related than they are lazy any another group of mammals, including armadillos, its next closest relationships.
All species except the giant anteater has a prehensile tail. Anteaters are solitary mammals most willing to defend its 1.0 to 1.5 km2 (2.6 to 2.9 km2) in the territories. Normally, do not enter the territory of another anteater of the same sex, but males tend to enter the territory of women partners.
The anteater has poor eyesight but an excellent sense of smell, and most of the latter species depend for fodder, food, and defense. Their sense of hearing is thought to be good. With a body temperature ranges from 33 to 36 ° C (91 and 97 ° F), anteaters have lower body temperature of all mammals, and can tolerate greater fluctuations in body temperature than most mammals.
Anteaters are specialized to feed on ants and termites, each species of anteater that have their own preferences and favorite insects: small species specialize in arboreal insects that live in small branches, while larger species can penetrate the hard shell of the nests of terrestrial insects. The anteater's tongue is covered with tiny hooks thousands of filiform papillae that are used to keep insects, along with large amounts of saliva. Anteater habitats include tropical dry forests, woodlands, grasslands and savannas.
The giant anteater almost entirely terrestrial (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) lives in the savannas. Both the genus Tamandua anteaters, south of (Tamandua tetradactyla) and tamanduas (Tamandua mexicana), are much smaller than the giant anteater, and differs essentially the same in their habits, being mainly arboreal. . This similarity is why anteaters are also commonly called "anteater," pangolin has been called the "scaly anteater" and the word "Antbear" is a common term for both the anteater and the giant anteater .
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