
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tasmanian Devil

Beauty Of Animal | Tasmanian Devil | As funny as it was, the familiar Looney Tunes portrayal of a Tasmanian devil, gurgling growl, insatiable lunatic is, at times, not all that far from the truth. Tasmanian devils have known cantankerous disposition and will fly into mad mad when threatened by a predator, fighting for a mate, or defending a meal. The early European settlers dubbed the "devil" after witnessing such displays, which include teeth-baring, lunging, and an array of bone-chilling guttural growl.
Mammals have the famed feisty brown or black fur coat rough and muscular profile that gives them the appearance of a baby bear. Most have white lines or patches on their chest and light spots on the sides or the back. They have long legs front and back legs are shorter, giving their gait, slow piglike. The Tasmanian devil is the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world, reaching 30 inches (76 cm) in length and weighing up to 26 pounds (12 kilograms), although its size will vary depending on the specific range and availability of food. Its oversize head houses sharp teeth and strong jaw muscles that can deliver, pound for pound, one of the most powerful bite of any mammal.
Tasmanian devils are strictly carnivorous, living on small prey such as snakes, birds, fish, and insects and often communal feasting on the carcass. They are their most rowdy when jockeying for position at the carcass. As with other marsupials, when they are well fed, their tails swell with stored fat. Satan is a solitary and nocturnal, spending their days alone in hollow logs, caves or burrows, and emerge at night to feed. They use long whiskers and a very good sense of smell and sight to avoid predators and find prey and carrion. They will eat pretty much anything they can get their teeth, and when they do find food, they're greedy, consuming everything-including hair, organs, and bones.

Mother gave birth after about three weeks of pregnancy to 20 or 30 very tiny young. It's the size of a baby crawling up raisin mother fur and into her pouch. However, the mother has only four nipples, so only a handful of babies survive. Babies appear after about four months and generally weaned by the sixth month, and by the eighth. Once abundant throughout Australia Tasmanian devils are now indigenous only island state Tasmania. They range covers the entire island of Tasmania, although they are partial to coastal scrublands and forests. Biologists speculate that their extinction in mainland Asia due to the introduction of dogs, or dingoes.
Efforts in the 1800s to eradicate Tasmanian devils, which farmers erroneously believed to have killed livestock (although they are known to take poultry), which was almost successful. In 1941, the government made the devil a protected species, and their number has been growing steadily ever since.
Tragically, though, catastrophic illness discovered in the mid-1990s has killed tens of thousands of Tasmanian devils. Called the devil facial tumor disease (DFTD), is rapidly spreading condition is a rare contagious cancer that causes large bumps to form around the mouth and head of the animal, making it difficult for it to eat. The animal eventually dies of starvation. Animal health experts execution populations where the disease is not yet up and focused on breeding programs to save the species from extinction. Since the outbreak, the Australian government has listed Tasmanian devils as vulnerable.

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