
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Persian Cat

Beauty Of Animal | Persian Cat | Persian cat is a longhaired marked round face and muzzle shortened. Its name refers to Persia, the former name of Iran, where they found the cats are similar. He was recognized by the cat fancy since the 19th century late, developed for the first time by the British, then American breeders mainly after World War II. In Britain, is called in Persian taste or taste.This has allowed for the selective breeding carried out by educators in the development of a wide range of colors and coat, but also led to the creation of the Persian flat faced more and more. Fanciers preferred, and can be President of this structure brings with it a number of health problems.

As with the Siamese breed, there have been efforts by some educators to maintain the type of the oldest cat with the muzzle more visible, which is more popular with the public. And polycystic kidney disease is common in genetic strain, which affects nearly half the population in some countries.Quiet, modest nature of the Persian given the propensity to live in an apartment. Was a descendant of the most popular in the United States for many years but his popularity has seen a decline in Britain and France.In general, it's not clear when the cats longhaired appeared for the first time, as there are no feral cats in Africa, which is thought [citation needed] the ancestors of cats domesticated, with long fur. There were claims [by whom?] In the 19th century that was introduced in the genes responsible for long hair through hybridization with Pallas cat, however, research in the early 20th century were imported refutes this theory.

The first documented ancestors of the Persian from Khorasan and Persia to Italy in 1620 by Pietro della Valle, and Angora (now Ankara), Turkey to France by Nicholas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc about the same time. The cats Khorasan coated gray while those of the Angora were white. From France, arrived in Britain soon. was also imported longhaired cats to Europe from Afghanistan, Burma, China and Russia. And hybridization of different types, especially the joint between Angoras and Persians.Recent genetic research suggests that being associated with the Persians of today is not for cats from the Near East, but for cats from Western Europe. The researchers said that "despite the fact that the Persian cat in early may actually originated from ancient Persia, the Persian cat has modern phylogeographical signature."

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