
Friday, August 12, 2011


Beauty Of Animal | Grunt-Bluestriped | The Blue Striped Grunt (Haemulon sciurus) is a subtropical perciform fish belonging to the family Haemulidae. It was first described by the English naturalist George Shaw in 1803.They are called Blue Striped Grunts because they have blue stripes up and down their bodies. They make a grunting noise, a sound produced when grinding the pharyngeal teeth deep within its throat.


The air bladder, acting as a resonator, amplifies this sound The bluestriped grunt is found near mangroves, sea grass beds, drop offs and coral reefs at depths between 0 - 30 m in the Western Atlantic, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean down to Brazil. Blue Striped Grunts live in schools with the smaller French Grunts (Haemulon flavolineatum), to which they are closely related. There are up to 1,000 grunts in one school. The Grunt schools swim slowly close to coral.Blue Striped Grunts commonly grow to a length of 20 - 25 cm (8 to 10 inches), however they can grow up to a maximum recorded length of 46 cm (18 inches). Their maximum reported age is 12 years. They can weigh up to 750 g.The head and the body of this species is yellow with many narrow, horizontal blue stripes.


The stripe under the eye shows a characteristic arch. There is one yellow dorsal fin with 12 dorsal spines and 16-17 dorsal soft rays. The anal fin is dusky yellow. It has three anal spines and nine anal soft rays. The soft dorsal and caudal fins are blackish. The scales above the lateral line are enlarged, while the scales below are oblique.


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