
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

By The Wind Sailor/Velella Velella

Beauty Of Animal | By The Wind Sailor/Velella Velella | This sea creature includes in Chondrophores. They are not true jellyfish, but the colony of polyps. By The Wind Sailor is similar like Bluebottle Jellyfish/Portuguese Man of War and Blue Button Jellyfish. They live in warm and temperate waters in all the world's oceans. They live with the float above the water, and polyps hanging down about a centimeter below. By-the-wind sailors often move across the ocean’s surface in large numbers. In late spring or early summer, they are often seen in coastal beaches.
By-the-wind sailor is a pelagic colonial hydroid. The float forms oval disc. It is deep blue and can be up to 10 cm in length. The tentacles are into the water from the float. A thin semicircular fin is set diagonally along the float acting as a sail. That's why it gets its  coomon name 'by-the-wind-sailor'. The sail along the float shows which way Velella velella will  move
By-the-wind sailors are carnivorous animals. They catch their prey, generally plankton, by their tentacles that hang down in the water. The toxins in their tentacles are effective against their prey. The toxin may cause pain when you touch them. So, it is better for you  not to touch your face or eyes if you have been handling By-the-wind sailors.  Most of By-the-wind sailors are less than about 7 cm long. Their most obvious feature is a small stiff sail that catches the wind and propels them over the surface of the sea. Under certain wind conditions, they can become stranded on beaches in the thousands.

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